





光通信与网络2019年CTCEISSN: 1742-6596

询盘留言 |投诉|申领|删除 产品编号:281367901                    更新时间:2020-04-11


  • 主营业务:文化艺术交流活动策划,企业营销策划,礼仪服务
  • 公司官网:glwhcb.tz1288.com
  • 公司地址:武汉市洪山区凯乐桂园A座1605
业务热线: 15072386886 (蔡经理 先生)     

CALL FOR ***ERS CTCE2019(November 15-16, 2019, Wuhan, Hubei, China )


3rd annual International Conference on Cloud Technology and Communication Engineering [CTCE2019] aims to bring researchers, engineers, students to the areas of Cloud Technology and Communication Engineering to exchange new ideas and to explore new ground. CTCE2019 provides a forum for sharing experience and original research contributions on theory, implementation. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their contributions to CTCE2019.

All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere.

声 明


CTCE2019 征稿!!!期待***学者积极投稿!!

Please note:

1. The topic related to: Cloud Architectures and Applications; Cloud Energy Efficiency and Mobile & Social Cloud, Cloud Solutions and Applications are welcomed.

2. Please download the CTCE2019模板

3. All submitted ***ers MUST be written in English.

4. Each ***er should be at least 4 pages or longer.

5. All submissions will be peer-reviewed based on originality, technical quality and presentation.

6. Any submission must not have been, or will not be published elsewhere or submitted to another conference before the review notification date of this conference.


Authors from the world are welcome to gather at this international academic event. After the conference, proceedings will be published based on the following topics, which include but are not limited to:

Session 1: Cloud Architectures and Applications

Session 2: Cloud Energy Efficiency

Session 3: Mobile & Social Cloud, Cloud Solutions and Applications

Session 3:November 15-16, 2019, Wuhan, Hubei, ChinaIntroduction

3rd annual International Conference on Cloud Technology and Communication Engineering [CTCE2019] aims to bring researchers, engineers, students to the areas of Cloud Technology and Communication Engineering to exchange new ideas and to explore new ground.CTCE2019 provides a forum for sharing experience and original research contributions on theory, implementation, and application of Cloud Technology and Communication Engineering. Researchers and practitioners are invited to submit their contributions to CTCE2019.

All submissions must be original, unpublished, and not submitted concurrently for publication elsewhere.

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  • 蔡经理先生
  • 手机:15072386886
  • 联系我时务必告知是在天助网上看到的!





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普通会员 第7年 商盟实名认证
  • 企业等级:普通会员
  • 经营模式:商业服务
  • 所在地区:湖北 武汉
  • 联系卖家:蔡经理 先生
  • 手机号码:15072386886
  • 联系电话:027-87666838
  • 公司传真:027-87666838
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