Residual stresses and thermal stresses will occur in the preparatory process before making and applying rolls. When applied,轧辊生产商, it is further affected by various cyclic stresses, including twists, changes, shear forces, contact stresses and thermal stresses.
The roll body of the cold rolled strip roller is slightly convex. When it is bent by force,轧辊设备生产厂家, it can ensure good shape. There are grooves on the roller body of the section mill roll, and the pass is arranged according to the rolling requirements of section steel. The rollers of skew rolling rolling rolling principle of conical drum or disc.
(1) soft roll; the hardness of Shaw is about 30 40. It is used for the renting rolling mill of the billet machine and the large steel mill.
(2) semi hard roll: the hardness of the Shaw is about 40 to 60. It is used for the renting rolling mill of large,轧辊报价, medium, small type steel mill and steel plate turbine.
(3) hard roll: Shore hardness of about 60 to 85, for supporting roller mill release sheet, plate, medium and small steel mill and four roller mill.
(4) the hardness of the hard roll Le is about 85 - 100 for cold rolling mill.
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