I like the name suggests, is a kind of I-shaped section steel flange on the inner surface of slope is generally 1:6, the flange and the thickness of thin, resulting in two main characteristics of I-beam section plane is huge, just to play strength characteristics in the application. Although the I-steel market has also appeared to be thickened I-steel, the structure of I-steel has already determined its torsional performance.
H steel is an efficient and economical cutting section (other cold-formed thin-walled steel and profiled steel sheets). Because of the reasonable shape of the section, they can make the steel play a more effective role and improve the bearing capacity.
The ordinary beam and light I-beam model is the digital Arabia with its waist high cm number to represent, web and flange thickness and flange width of different specificati to the waist high (H) * (b) * waist leg width thickness (d). The number of said, such as "general 160 x 88 x 6"
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