The heating furnace cists of a continuous heating furnace and a chamber heating furnace. The heating furnace for metal heat treatment is also called the heat treatment furnace. Before the blooming of heating steel ingots or the internal temperature of ingot uniform called pit. Broadly speaking, the heating furnace includes furnace and heat treatment furnace.
燃料气与空气的流动方式 主要可以归纳为四种,燃料气喷射到静止的空气中;燃料气和空气平行流动;燃料气和空气流动时相互之间有一定的夹角;燃料气和空气呈旋流运动。
The flow of fuel gas and air can be divided into four main types,加热炉, the fuel gas injected into the air; the fuel gas and the air flow in parallel; the fuel gas and the air flow between a certain angle; the fuel gas and air in a cyclone movement.
A heating furnace is a heating device that passes the heat produced by fuel to the heated medium to increase its temperature. It is widely used in oil and gas gathering and transportation system,推钢加热炉报价, heating crude oil,推钢加热炉厂家, natural gas and its well products to the temperature required by the process, so as to carry out transportation, sedimentation, separation, dehydration and primary processing.
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