减速机动力源运转速度 根据在不同转速条件下对减速机的试验表明,随着减速机输入转速的增加,噪声也将增大。
The experimental study on the structural form of the reducer box shows that the cylindrical box is advantageous to vibration reduction. Under the same other conditi, the noise level of the cylindrical box is 5 dB lower than that of other types of box on average.
When driving parts are installed on the output shaft, it is not allowed to knock with hammers. Usually use assembly jig and inner thread of shaft end to press the transmission parts into bolts with bolts, otherwise, it may cause damage to internal parts of reducer.
In reducer family,reducer哪家好, planetary reducer is applied to servo, step and DC transmission systems because of its small volume, wide range of deceleration and high accuracy. Its role is to ensure the precision drive, mainly used to reduce the rotational speed to increase the torque and reduce the load / motor inertia ratio.
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