What are the main categories of the roll according to the material?
Rolls are mainly divided into three categories: cast steel series rolls, cast iron series rollers and forging series rolls.
In the second half of the nineteenth Century, the progress of steelmaking technology in Europe requires larger tonnage steel ingots to be rolled. Neither the strength of gray iron or chilled cast iron rolls can meet the requirements. The ordinary cast steel roll with a carbon content of 0.4% to 0.6% is born accordingly. The emergence of heavy forging equipment makes the strength and toughness of the forging roll of this component further improved.
Roll is the core part of the rolling mill. The use of the roll involves the type selection of the rolling mill, the preparation of the roll,轧辊, the maintenance and the periodic dressing during the rolling process, all of which are all factors that affect the productivity of the rolling mill, the quality of the product and the production economy.
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