Two small work area profile transformation production process, prevent the inclination angle of design and application of double bed apron device by gravity, in the process of collecting small angle, eliminating the need for moving steel trolley artificial angle righting operation, the output of the compressed cooling bed time, effectively prevent tilting angle and effect of output rhythm of steel, the steel cooling bed under normal and stable.
近年来, 为适应轧制制度变化繁多, 产品规格多、产品及高产量等要求,圣霖冷拉, 我院认真消化、吸收国内外***技术,冷拉设备购买, 设计了一套具有同类水平的高速度、多品种、高质量的小型型钢和棒材冷床设备, 年产棒材可达90万吨, 已达到了国外同类设备的***水平。
In recent years,冷拉设备采购, in order to adapt to various changes in rolling system, many specificati, high quality products and high output, our hospital has carefully digested and absorbed advanced technology at home and abroad, designed a set of small steel and bar cold bed equipment with high speed, variety and high quality with the same kind of International advanced level. The annual production of rod can reach 900 thousand t, which has reached the advanced level of the same kind of equipment abroad.
First, determine the size of the required pressure, which mainly depends on the following aspects: the varieties and specificati of the straightened steel,冷拉, the original bending degree of the rolled piece, the finishing temperature of the rolled piece, the mechanical properties of the leveled piece, the straightening temperature and so on.
冷拉设备采购-冷拉-圣霖国际【开拓创新】(查看)由鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司提供。鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司在行业专用设备这一领域倾注了诸多的热忱和热情,圣霖国际一直以客户为中心、为客户创造价值的理念、以品质、服务来赢得市场,衷心希望能与社会各界合作,共创成功,共创辉煌。相关业务欢迎垂询,联系人:王秋。温馨提示:以上是关于冷拉设备采购-冷拉-圣霖国际【开拓创新】(查看)的详细介绍,产品由鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司为您提供,如果您对鞍山市圣霖进出口贸易有限公司产品信息感兴趣可以联系供应商或者让供应商主动联系您 ,您也可以查看更多与行业专用设备相关的产品!
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