价格: | 6800.0000 / 吨 |
特性 表面质量好、缺陷少、使用寿命长
材质 耐热铸铁
规格 3T、5T、6T、7.5T 10T 12T 15T
应用 适用于电解铝厂3T、5T、6T、7.5T 10T 12T 15T 真空包或依图纸加工
Aluminum suction pipe & Heat resistant aluminum suction pipe & aluminum suction tube for electrolytic aluminum and alumina
Aluminum suction tube is vulnerable spare part on various types of lifting bags (including open lifting bags and vacuum lifting bags) in electrolytic aluminum plant.
Aluminum suction pipe is inserted into the aluminum liquid in the electrolytic aluminum cell. Using the siphon principle, the aluminum water is sucked into the lifting bag.
low price and excellent performance and corrosion-resistant and heat-resistant materials can effectively prolong the service life of the aluminum suction pipe.
At the same time, the aluminum suction pipe has the advantages of simple manufacturing process and low material cost performance.
Good surface quality, few defects and long service life
material QT500
It is applicable to 3T, 5T, 6T, 7.5T, 10T, 12T and 15T vacuum bags in electrolytic aluminum plant
温馨提示:以上是关于圣卓吸铝管-山东山西云南广西电解铝企业真空抬包选用吸铝管的详细介绍,产品由邹平县圣卓金属制品有限公司为您提供,如果您对邹平县圣卓金属制品有限公司产品信息感兴趣可以联系供应商或者让供应商主动联系您 ,您也可以查看更多与机械加工相关的产品!
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