PPR pipe fixing
The pipe can not be used until it is fixed. The pipe will not cause resonance due to water pressure. PPR water pipe is fixed with pipe clamp. For pipes with pipe spacing of 500mm and outer diameter less than 25mm, pipe clamps shall be set at the end of pipeline at 10 cm and water meter.
PPR tube in the electrical part:
Some switches and sockets are covered by subsequent water supply and drainage pipes, kitchen and bathroom air ducts, so they must be reserved and embedded in combination with civil engineering.
The location of the indoor strong and weak current socket box is unreasonable. The distance between the strong and weak current boxes is too close. Generally, it is required to be 20cm, especially for the socket in the bedroom. The socket is covered by the wardrobe and bed during the later decoration of the owner,浙江PVC管业, causing the owner dissatisfaction.
When the pipe fittings are not connected correctly, when installing the whole pipeline system, the pipe fittings such as tee and elbow are rigidly straightened by pipe clamps,PVC管业制造, which will cause the pipeline system to bear large stress for a long time, which will lead to leakage in some places with poor fusion welding after a period of time. So before welding, pre install and mark line with strokes; Just align the marker line when you are formally connected.
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