The cold insulation performance of the duck house should be excellent. The roof should have ceiling or heat insulation. The north wall should not leak air. The height of the eaves is 2.6~2.8 meters. The ratio of window to ground area is 1:8. The area of the south window is comparable. The north window is 1 times larger, the south window is 60-70 cm above the ground, and the north window is 1 to 1.2 meters high from the ground. In order to make the summer well ventilated, the north side can open the foot and window. But without glass, only iron bars or lead wire mesh are installed to prevent animal damage. In the cold season, it is sealed with tarpaulin or plastic cloth to prevent air leakage. In addition to setting up drainage ditch,大种番鸭苗孵化厂, there is also a place for breeding ducks to lay eggs in the evening. Single-row type duck house,大种番鸭苗, the walkway is on the north side, the drainage ditch is next to the walkway, the barbed wire or wooden strip is covered, the drinker is placed on the wire mesh, and the south side is on the side of the wall. The terrain is slightly higher, and the nest box can be placed. The egg laying box is 30 cm wide and 40 cm long. It is nailed with wooden boards, without bottom, and the front is lower for the ducks to enter and exit. The other three sides are 35 cm high, and the bottom of the box is covered with wood chips or short clean mats. Each box can be used for 3 egg type ducks or 4 meat type ducks.xx
大种番鸭苗电话-大种番鸭苗-西彦孵化厂番鸭苗由夏邑县李集镇西彦孵化厂提供。夏邑县李集镇西彦孵化厂实力不俗,信誉可靠,在河南 商丘 的动物种苗等行业积累了大批忠诚的客户。西彦孵化厂带着精益求精的工作态度和不断的完善创新理念和您携手步入辉煌,共创美好未来!同时本公司还是从事番鸭苗批发,鸳鸯鸭苗,番鸭苗的厂家,欢迎来电咨询。温馨提示:以上是关于大种番鸭苗电话-大种番鸭苗-西彦孵化厂番鸭苗的详细介绍,产品由夏邑县李集镇西彦孵化厂为您提供,如果您对夏邑县李集镇西彦孵化厂产品信息感兴趣可以联系供应商或者让供应商主动联系您 ,您也可以查看更多与动物种苗相关的产品!
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