Thunder Precision Resistors has more than 20 years of professional production of high precision resistor manufacturers, Our products sale covering all provinces, city, autonomous region and have been exported to Europe and America, Southeast Asia, India, Hong Kong etc, enjoys a good reputation in the domestic market. The company mainly manufacture high precision resistor series products, including high precision metal film resistors, ultra high precision mold type resistors, Wirewound resistors, high power thick film resistors, metal glaze film high voltage high frequency resistance, high pfrequency MELF resistors and other products. The product quality is reliable, stable performance, has been widely recognized and praised in the domestic and international market.
20多年来,盛雷城精密电阻有限公司一直不断研发各种新的电阻器,以满足用户开发新产品的持续要求。产品精度早已达到 0.01%,甚至高于国内金属箔电阻器的精度标准,贴片精密电阻,产品具有极高的稳定性和可靠性。这一切的一切,都是源于盛雷城精密电阻有限公司坚持采用材料,从不偷工减料,始终要求产品的高质量水平!
EE series high stable resistors made by Thunder Precision Resistor Co., Ltd. are the right cross to and replacement of:
Vishay’s PTF series resistors
PPR’s PR series resistors
AAC’s SRN series resistors
TEPRO’s RNF series resistors
RCD’s PMF series resistors
IRC&WELWYN/TT’s CAR series resistors
Thunder Precision Resistors was founded in 1989 with its factory located in the Industry development Zone of Ganzhou City,JiangXi Province of RPC., This company is well-equipped with modernized production base,enjoy a high reputation from our users and within the industry.
The company has accumulated rich experience in the manufacturing of high precision resistors, our products have various types,色环精密电阻,long life expectancy and high price-quality ratio, which have been widely applied in many areas such as instruments and meters,weighing apparatus,Communication equipment, high quality power supply, transmitter etc.
温馨提示:以上是关于大功率精密电阻-北京精密电阻-盛雷城瓷片排阻批发(查看)的详细介绍,产品由盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司为您提供,如果您对盛雷城精密电阻(江西)有限公司产品信息感兴趣可以联系供应商或者让供应商主动联系您 ,您也可以查看更多与电阻器相关的产品!
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